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These PRACTICE CARDS are a a fun downloadable PDF which has been designed to help you and your team explore & apply creativity in day to day challenges and problem solving by nurturing and activating the 6 virtues of a creative mindset.


46% more innovation

Innovation is boosted by around 46% when creative approaches are applied. The ability to think differently is pivotal in driving innovation, promoting the generation of novel ideas, products, or solutions.



51% more leadership efficacy


When leaders employed creative approaches leadership efficacy was positively impacted by 51%. Creativity in leadership is instrumental in envisioning new possibilities, inspiring team members, and encouraging risk-taking in a controlled environment.


42% increase in effective collaboration

Creative methods foster an environment that encourages open communication, contributing to an enhanced collaborative experience.



38% improved complex-problem solving capacity


Creativity provides unique, unconventional perspectives, leading to more efficient solutions to intricate problems.


The practice cards are designed to help you and your team nurture and activate the virtues that play into having a creative approach to life itself. Ultimately, the objective of the cards and activities is to enhance creative thinking & problem solving as we navigate into a future full of uncertainty and opportunity.