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Future Scenario Cards


These Future Scenario Cards are a a fun downloadable PDF which has been designed to help you and your team explore 12 unique future scenarios with 4 creative tools. Together with a simple guide they can help your team drive innovation and strategy from a more creative, inclusive and future-proofed perspective.   

Why Play in the Future?

Foresight is a generator of value

33% Higher Profitability 

Companies with a dedicated strategic foresight methodology and resources outperformed the average by a 33% higher profitability.

200% Growth 

Companies with a dedicated strategic foresight methodology and resources outgrew their competitors by 200%.

25% Improvement 

Companies say that strategic foresight improves business objectives and planning, helps define new markets, and builds flexible mindsets among executives, even in times
of deep uncertainty.


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The scenarios are designed to help you and your team apply Episodic Future Thinking and explore the signals of change around you. Ultimately, the objectives of the cards and activities are to enhance strategic foresight, foster creative thinking, and generate actionable insights to inform decision making and planning processes in a complex and rapidly changing world.


You can use the cards in several ways to explore possible scenarios individually or to open discussions and undertake scenario activities with a team or group of friends. We have created a simple set of instructions to fully use the cards with a complete activity which might take between 2 to 4 hours.


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Each scenario contains an imaginative description of a possible future scenario for the year 2035 and a Moment of Choice which helps you to put yourself into that speculative future context.  

You can use the scenario cards to explore a range of trends and the impact of social, technological and cultural shifts for yourself and your organization. In doing so you can put into practice Episodic Future Thinking... one of the core meta skills for all leaders.